Apple, IKEA e l’architettura dell’informazione pervasiva

L'architettura dell'informazione pervasiva (o integrata) è una nuova frontiera del design il cui obiettivo è progettare modelli organizzativi ed esperienziali capaci di fondere mondo fisico e mondo digitale. Un articolo di Davide Potente e Erika Salvini (pubblicato nel Bulletin della ASIS&T) offre due casi studio e una prima sintesi sul tema.

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L’articolo è un ampliamento dell’intervento presentato dagli stessi autori al Quarto summit europeo di archittetura dell’informazione (Europe’s Fourth Information Architecture Summit).

In this article we illustrate the principles of bridge architecture with two studies of how websites and physical environments might be integrated. The studies were not sponsored by the enterprises described. Their aim, however, is to show possibilities, both realized and potential, within real environments. […]

Apple’s Integrated Information Architecture (David Potente)
Close analysis of the Apple website and, in particular, the Apple Retail Store highlights the role of information architecture in building bridge experiences. IA can cross various contexts of experience with the objective of defining a unique human-information interaction model by means of proper organization of information flows and tasks. […]

IKEA’s Integrated Information Architecture (Erika Salvini)
This case study illustrates how bridge experiences help individuals get access to information. The analysis focuses on IKEA’s catalog and retail stores. We have considered the Florence retail store, but the results can be valid globally. The main goal is to develop a unique organizational scheme for the entire system, starting from the product catalog, which is better organized than the website (Davide Potente e Erika Salvini, Apple, IKEA and Their Integrated Architecture).