Il futuro del desktop
'Tutto si sta muovendo verso la Nuvola. Mentre entriamo nella terza decade del web assistiamo a un crescente mutamento: dalle applicazioni basate su desktop alle applicazioni basate su web, fruibili all'interno del browser'
Lettura: 1 minuto
Un bell’articolo di Nova Spivack illustra l’evoluzione in atto nel software e nel personal computer: quella dalla scrivania o desktop al webtop.
When I think about what the future desktop is going to look like it seems to be a convergence of several different kinds of services that we currently view as separate.
Evitando facili banalità, e di ridurre la questione alla sola interfaccia grafica, Spivack enuclea una serie di principi semplici e chiari che mi paiono assai illuminanti anche dal punto di vista dell’architettura dell’informazione e della user experience. La riporto di seguito.
- Is the desktop of the future going to just be a web-hosted version of the same old-fashioned desktop metaphors we have today?
- The desktop of the future is going to be a hosted web service
- The Browser is Going to Swallow Up the Desktop
- The focus of the desktop will shift from information to attention
- Users are going to shift from acting as librarians to acting as daytraders
- The Webtop will be more social and will leverage and integrate collective intelligence
- The desktop of the future is going to have powerful semantic search and social search capabilities built-in
- Interactive shared spaces will replace folders
- The Portable Desktop
- The Smart Desktop
- Federated, open policies and permissions
- The personal cloud
- The WebOS
- Who is most likely to own the future desktop?
L’articolo completo:
Spivack, N. 2008. The Future of the Desktop. Read Write Web, 18 agosto.