Interazioni gestuali
Una raccolta di linee guida e pattern sul tema dell'interazione gestuale (touchscreen e dintorni): è quanto ci offre il libro di Dan Saffer, che si inscrive nell'ambito di una visione integrata di industrial, interaction e visual design.
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Designing Gestural Interfaces: Touchscreens and Interactive Devices è il nuovo libro di Dan Saffer.
Interaction designer in Adaptive Path fino al 2008, Dan ha recentemente fondato Kicker Studio, azienda che abbraccia un approccio integrato al design, che fonda insieme design industriale, interaction design e graphic design.
… our devices now contain sophisticated embedded digital technology. They’re networked. They are responsive and adaptive to human behavior. They’re contextual and meaningful. And the best of them are cohesive: The hardware and software are created … with a deep awareness of each other.
… Products are simply getting stranger. The affordances we used to take for granted (handles, buttons, dials, etc.) may or may not be there. Heck, the whole interface might not be visible. There’s a new generation of touchscreen and sensor-driven devices that will number in the hundreds of millions over the next few years. Objects that were previously stand-alone are being hooked up to the Internet and can talk to other objects.
… Companies are frequently siloed. Hardware and software designers don’t talk, and their work is often done in different departments, sometimes in vastly different locations. And design firms often aren’t much better. Most design firms specialize in one design discipline: They are great interaction designers, or beautiful form makers, or branding/identity firms.
… It would be better, I thought, to have a design studio that shared the characteristics of the products we were building: cohesive, networked, smart. Where, from the start, the disciplines were all combined and the process would not have different tracks that may or may not come together at some point in production.
Which is why some friends of mine … and I started Kicker … We all come from different design disciplines, but we share the vision that products can be designed better, and more efficiently, by having hardware, software, and interface considered together from the start
(Saffer, Product Design 2.0 and the Genesis of Kicker Studio, articolo apparso nella rivista Interactions, gennaio-febbraio 2009).
Download e altro
- Indice del libro Designing Gestural Interfaces
- Tap is the New Click presentazione-sintesi (8 MB)